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 Victoria de Daisy Goodwin

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MessageSujet: Victoria de Daisy Goodwin   Victoria de Daisy Goodwin Icon_minitimeDim 14 Aoû - 18:51

Ce livre écrit par la scénariste de la série Victoria sort le 20 octobre en Angleterre :

Victoria de Daisy Goodwin 51LaTDdtOuL

Citation :
From the author of the bestselling MY LAST DUCHESS and THE FORTUNE HUNTER comes Victoria - to be screened on ITV, with scripts written by Daisy Goodwin. Perfect for fans of epics such as War and Peace, Poldark or Granchester and for any reader of The Paris Wife or War and Peace

'To me, ma'am, you are every inch a Queen'

In 1837, less than a month after her eighteenth birthday, Alexandrina Victoria - sheltered, small in stature, and female - became Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and from the moment William IV died, the young Queen startled everyone: abandoning her hated first name in favor of Victoria; insisting, for the first time in her life, on sleeping in a room apart from her mother; resolute about meeting with her ministers alone.

One of those ministers, Lord Melbourne, became Victoria's private secretary. Perhaps he might have become more than that, except everyone argued she was destined to marry her cousin, Prince Albert . But Victoria had met Albert as a child and found him stiff and critical: surely the last man she would want for a husband?

Drawing on Victoria's diaries as well as her own brilliant gifts for history and drama, Daisy Goodwin brings the inner life of the young queen even more richly to life in this magnificent novel.

Victoria de Daisy Goodwin 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Victoria de Daisy Goodwin   Victoria de Daisy Goodwin Icon_minitimeDim 14 Aoû - 19:14

Décidément, on va en avoir des sorties! Celui-ci me tente beaucoup! Smile
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Audrey La Béotienne
Ecrivain en herbe
Audrey La Béotienne

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MessageSujet: Re: Victoria de Daisy Goodwin   Victoria de Daisy Goodwin Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Fév - 9:48

Quelqu'un l'a-t-il lu ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Victoria de Daisy Goodwin   Victoria de Daisy Goodwin Icon_minitimeVen 9 Mar - 13:35

Oula, j'avais complètement oublié ce livre! Il faut que je le commande ^^. J'espère le lire d'ici cet été Smile
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