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 Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell

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MessageSujet: Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell   Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell Icon_minitimeSam 16 Avr - 11:51

Ce roman sort chez Virago le 5 mai.

Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell 9780349007403

Citation :
Jack Middleton likes to imagine himself a country squire. At weekends he retires to Laverings Estate with his wife, Catherine. He may be pompous, and they may seem ill-matched, but the couple are devoted to each other. When Jack's widowed sister, Lilian, and her two stepchildren arrive to spend the summer in the neighbouring house, he dreads the intrusion to his idyll: Daphne, capable and ambitious, is too lively for his taste, whereas her brother Denis, a composer, he finds a crashing bore. But their wit and good sense charm the residents of Barchester, and they win over Lord Bond with an impromptu Gilbert and Sullivan evening. Even Jack begins to thaw. Before long, Daphne and Lord Bond's son become attracted to each other, but each believes the other is attached to someone else. Can disaster be averted before she marries the wrong man? First published in 1939, Before Lunch is a sparkling comedy from Angela Thirkell's much-loved classic series.

Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell   Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell Icon_minitimeLun 11 Juil - 13:59

Encore une fois ces romans sont tellement attirants (du résumé à la couverture ...).
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Before Lunch d'Angela Thirkell
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