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 A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various

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MessageSujet: A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various   A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Déc - 17:15

L'éditrice Lucy Scholes dont le compte instagram est toujours une grande source de découvertes pour moi vient d'annoncer la publication de ce recueil chez Pushkin Press le mois prochain. Je vais sûrement le précommander !

A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various 41cBIm3uq6L._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_

Citation :
These remarkable short stories from the 1940s and 50s depict women and men caught between the pull of personal desires and profound social change. From a remote peninsula in Cornwall to the drawing rooms of the British Raj, domestic arrangements are rewritten, social customs are revoked and new freedoms are embraced.

Selected and introduced by writer and critic Lucy Scholes, this collection places works from renowned women writers alongside recently rediscovered voices. Suffused with tension and longing, they form a window onto a remarkable era of writing.

Contains: ‘The Cut Finger’ by Frances Bellerby, ‘Summer Night’ by Elizabeth Bowen, ‘The Birds’ by Daphne du Maurier, ‘The Land Girl’ by Diana Gardner, ‘Listen to the Magnolias’ by Stella Gibbons, ‘Shocking Weather, Isn’t It?’ by Inez Holden, ‘The First Party’ by Attia Hosain, ‘Three Miles Up’ by Elizabeth Jane Howard, ‘The Skylight’ by Penelope Mortimer, ‘The Thames Spread Out’ by Elizabeth Taylor and ‘Scorched Earth Policy’ by Sylvia Townsend Warner

A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various   A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Déc - 22:18

Plusieurs noms bien connus.

Hâte d'avoir ton avis.

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MessageSujet: Re: A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various   A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 17:10

Un article très intéressant et élogieux sur ce recueil de nouvelles sur le site du Times ici : A Different Sound edited by Lucy Scholes | Book review | The TLS (the-tls.co.uk)

Et excellent choix de photo pour l'illustrer !

A Different Sound - Stories by Mid-century Women Writers by Various Dcef4416-e8d3-11ed-8b19-8262c49fff39-5

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