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 Where Stands A Wingèd Sentry de Margaret Kennedy

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MessageSujet: Where Stands A Wingèd Sentry de Margaret Kennedy   Where Stands A Wingèd Sentry de Margaret Kennedy Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Mar - 11:27

Margaret Kennedy (qui a aussi écrit des romans, ici Arrow et ici Arrow) est l'auteur d'une autobiographie / essai sur son expérience de la 2ème guerre mondiale :

Where Stands A Wingèd Sentry de Margaret Kennedy 9781912766383

Citation :
This is a journal of the tense months between Dunkirk and the start of the Blitz – months when a German invasion of Britain seemed both imminent and inevitable. It’s written with a steady intensity; raw worry pokes through the elegant prose, and though there are many vivid details, and moments of wit and levity, this is also an extraordinary meditation of what it means to be free in a world of encroaching tyranny.’ — Lissa Evans

‘Most people knew in their hearts that the lid had been taken off hell, and that what had been done in Guernica would one day be done in London, Paris and Berlin.’

Margaret Kennedy’s prophetic words, written about the pre-war mood in Europe, give the tone of this riveting 1941 wartime memoir: it is Mrs Miniver with the gloves off. Her story, taken from her war diaries, conveys the tension, frustration and bewilderment of the progression of the war, and the terror of knowing that the worst is to come, but not yet knowing what the worst will be.

Citation :
English bravery, confusion, stubbornness and dark humour (‘Nanny says that an Abbess is threatening to swallow the whole of Europe’) provide the positive, more hopeful side of Kennedy’s experiences, in which she and her children move from Surrey to Cornwall, to sit out the war amidst a quietly efficient Home Guard and the most scandalous rumours. Where Stands A Wingèd Sentry (the title comes from a 17th-century poem by Henry Vaughan) was only published in the USA, and has never before been published in the UK.

Margaret Kennedy (1896-1967) made her name as a novelist with The Ladies of Lyndon (1923) and The Constant Nymph (1924), and continued publishing fiction, screenplays and plays until the year before her death.

J'aime beaucoup cette romancière et cet éditeur, les critiques sont très bonnes et le sujet m'intéresse, je pense que ce sera le prochain livre que j'ajouterai à ma PAL !
Il vient tout juste de sortir en Angleterre.

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