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 One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC

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MessageSujet: One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC   One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC Icon_minitimeDim 23 Aoû - 10:35

Les scénaristes de The Missing reviennent avec un nouveau projet de mini-série, qui se passera en Ecosse :

One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC Wpid-wp-1440169652138

Citation :
BBC One has announced an ensemble cast for new four-part BBC One drama, One Of Us as filming is set to commence.

Set in Edinburgh and the Highlands, the series stars Juliet Stevenson (The Village) Laura Fraser (Breaking Bad), Joanna Vanderham (The Paradise), John Lynch (The Fall), Adrian Edmondson (War And Peace) and BAFTA winner Georgina Campbell (Murdered By My Boyfriend).

They will be joined by Joe Dempsie (Game Of Thrones) Julie Graham (The Bletchley Circle), Gary Lewis (Stonemouth), Steve Evets (Rev) and Kate Dickie (Prometheus).

Living side by side in isolated rural Scotland, the Elliot and Douglas families know each other inside out. However, when two of them are horrifically murdered, their lives are shattered and their relationships, both between and within the grieving families, are tested to the limit.

In the search for answers, skeletons are unearthed and old wounds are reopened, as honesty, loyalty and morality is all brought into question. Everyone has secrets, but when the lines between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false, become blurred, what path do you take, and how do you cope with the lasting and deadly consequences?

Juliet Stevenson says: “I’m thrilled to be playing Louise in One Of Us as she is such an intriguing character. When I read the first script, it immediately gripped me as it’s such a unique and compelling story. I can’t wait to start filming in Scotland.”

Joanna Vanderham says: “I am very excited to start work on this character-led drama. The arresting Scottish landscape is the perfect setting for Jack and Harry’s clever and brave script.”

Writers Harry and Jack Williams say: “One Of Us is a thriller but also at heart a character piece. So it’s wonderful to have such a talented cast. We can’t wait to see how they bring it to life.”

One Of Us is produced by BBC Drama In-house Production through BBC Scotland in association with Two Brothers Picture, and written by Harry and Jack Williams (The Missing). William McGregor (Poldark, Misfits) is directing. Executive Producers are

One Of Us will begin filming in Scotland on Monday 24 August.

One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC 16482110
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One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC Empty
MessageSujet: Re: One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC   One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Sep - 18:00

Waouw! Un thriller qui se passe en Écosse, je dis oui!! cheers
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One of us, un nouveau thriller pour la BBC
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