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 A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley

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MessageSujet: A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley    A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Mar - 11:43

Cette biographie littéraire vient de sortir en Angleterre :

A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  9780008651046

Citation :
The captivating true story of an underdog business – a feminist bookshop founded in Thatcher’s Britain – from a woman at the heart of the women’s liberation movement.
What was it like to start a feminist bookshop, in an industry dominated by men? How could a lesbian thrive in Thatcher’s time, with the government legislating to restrict her rights? How do you run a business when your real aim is to change the world? Silver Moon was the dream of three women – a bookshop with the mission to promote the work of female writers and create a much-needed safe space for any woman. Founded in 1980s London against a backdrop of homophobia and misogyny, it was a testament to the power of community, growing into Europe’s biggest women’s bookshop and hosting a constellation of literary stars from Margaret Atwood and Maya Angelou to Angela Carter. While contending with day-to-day struggles common to other booksellers, plus the additional burdens of misogyny and the occasional hate crime, Jane Cholmeley and her booksellers created a thriving business. But they also played a crucial and relatively unsung part in one the biggest social movements of our time. A Bookshop of One’s Own is a fascinating slice of social history from the heart of the women’s liberation movement, from a true feminist and lesbian icon. Written with heart and humour, it reveals the struggle and joy that comes with starting an underdog business, while being a celebration of the power women have to change the narrative when they are the ones holding the pen.

Je compte la lire bien évidemment Razz

A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley    A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Mar - 11:46

La couverture est magnifique.

A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Master11
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Indian Shawl

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MessageSujet: Re: A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley    A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Mar - 12:48

Magnifique !
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gothic novel reader

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MessageSujet: Re: A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley    A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Mar - 22:00

Une jolie couverture et un sujet intéressant !
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MessageSujet: Re: A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley    A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Icon_minitimeDim 24 Mar - 8:57

J'adore la couverture et le sujet a l'air très intéressant.

A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Banwd610
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Ecrivain en herbe

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MessageSujet: Re: A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley    A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  Icon_minitimeMar 9 Avr - 13:08

La couverture est superbe ! Je le rajoute sur ma liste, le sujet a l'air passionnant A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley  557349
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A Bookshop of One’s Own: How a Group of Women Set out to Change the World de Jane Cholmeley
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