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 Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito

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MessageSujet: Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito   Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 10:25

J'ai reçu il y a quelques jours ce petit livre illustré en mode scrapbook publié par les Jardins de Kew (oui, ils ont leur propre maison d'édition)

Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito Love_from_kew_1

Citation :
Bringing together messages from vintage Kew postcards with new prose reflections, Love from Kew is a one-of-a-kind look at the enduring needs for human connection-with each other as much as the natural world.

In 2020, the United Kingdom recognized the 150th anniversary of the official introduction of postcards. At the peak of their popularity in the early twentieth century, more than two million postcards a day were mailed in the UK. One could view postcards as the texts or tweets of their day: brief communiques that provide glimpses into the lives of others, with stories that are often as funny or poignant as they are cryptic. These messages were often sent to family or friends back home from a site of special importance-like, for example, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

​Love from Kew is a valentine to these missives of the past, placing vintage Kew postcards-and the messages written on them-alongside new prose reflections from multi-genre writer Sophie Shillito. The decades-old correspondence and Shillito's wonderstruck contemporary reflections offer a meditation on how these Kew postcards speak to the eternal human need for both personal connection and communion with the natural world. In today's world of environmental precarity and increased isolation, these themes are just as relevant as they were when these antique postcards were first penned.

Love from Kew is a fascinating and heartfelt blend of social and visual history, observed through the singular lens of Kew Gardens.

Vous pouvez feuilleter quelques pages de l'ouvrage sur le site de Kew ici : Love from Kew | The Kew Shop

Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito 16482110
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Helstone rose

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MessageSujet: Re: Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito   Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 16:55

J'adore les jardins de Kew et ce livre a l'air magnifique. Apparemment, un autre livre sur le même modèle va bientôt sortir : "Hello Kew".
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MessageSujet: Re: Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito   Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 16:59

Titine75 a écrit:
J'adore les jardins de Kew et ce livre a l'air magnifique. Apparemment, un autre livre sur le même modèle va bientôt sortir : "Hello Kew".
Oui, il a l'air magnifique aussi (et beaucoup plus cher).

Love from Kew - A Postcard Scrapbook de Sophie Chillito 16482110
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