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 Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie

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MessageSujet: Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie   Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 11:29

La BBC a commandé une adaptation en 2 parties de ce roman d'Agatha Christie :

Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Pockadams11%20001

Citation :
After a lack of success with some of her previous adaptations, the queen of crime Agatha Christie is returning to BBC One who have just ordered a two part series based on her MURDER IS EASY novel produced by Mammoth Screen.

THE STORY is set in England, 1954. On a train to London, a man going by the name of Luke Fitzwilliam meets Miss Pinkerton, who tells him that a killer is on the loose in the sleepy English village of Wychwood under Ashe. The villagers believe the deaths are mere accidents, but Miss Pinkerton knows otherwise - and when she's later found dead on her way to Scotland Yard, Luke feels he must find the killer before they can strike again. Because for a certain kind of person, murder is easy. 

Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie   Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 12:36

C'est bien qu'ils s'attaquent aux moins connus, ce qui explique aussi leur semi-échec.

Il s'agit de l'adaptation d'Un meurtre est-il facile ?

Je les ai tous lus donc je l'ai lu, mais je suis en train de peiner à essayer de me souvenir de l'intrigue Razz

Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Master11

Dernière édition par Shelbylee le Dim 17 Déc - 15:45, édité 1 fois
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Helstone rose

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MessageSujet: Re: Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie   Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Icon_minitimeLun 27 Fév - 13:45

Oui, c'est une bonne nouvelle que la BBC choisisse des romans moins connus. Je crois que je ne l'ai pas lu celui-ci...j'espère que Canal + la diffusera comme la dernière en date.
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MessageSujet: Re: Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie   Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Icon_minitimeDim 17 Déc - 15:40

La série sera diffusée sur la BBC le 27 décembre.

Citation :
England, 1954. On a train to London, Fitzwilliam (David Jonsson) meets Miss Pinkerton (Penelope Wilton), who tells him that a killer is on the loose in the sleepy English village of Wychwood under Ashe.

The villagers believe the deaths are mere accidents, but Miss Pinkerton knows otherwise – and when she's later found dead on her way to Scotland Yard, Fitzwilliam feels he must find the killer before they can strike again. Because for a certain kind of person, murder is easy…

Murder is Easy (2x60’) is adapted from Agatha Christie’s novel by Siân Ejiwunmi-Le Berre, and is directed by Meenu Gaur. Produced by Mammoth Screen and Agatha Christie Limited for BBC One and BBC iPlayer, it also stars Morfydd Clark, Sinéad Matthews, Tom Riley, Douglas Henshall, Mathew Baynton, Mark Bonnar, Nimra Bucha, Tamzin Outhwaite, Jon Pointing, Demmy Ladipo, Gloria Obianyo and Phoebe Licorish.

Executive producers are Siân Ejiwunmi-Le Berre, James Prichard for Agatha Christie Limited, James Gandhi and Damien Timmer for Mammoth Screen, Danielle Scott-Haughton for the BBC, and Reemah Sakaan, Stephen Nye and Jess O’Riordan for BritBox International. Karen Kelly is producer.

Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Master11
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MessageSujet: Re: Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie   Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Icon_minitimeMer 1 Mai - 19:21

Elle sera diffusée à partir du 9 mai sur Canal.

Par contre, il parait que ce n'est pas terrible...

Murder is easy, la prochaine adaptation BBC d'Agatha Christie Master11
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