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 Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott

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MessageSujet: Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott   Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc - 21:00

Ce roman américain sort chez McNally editions le 23 mai prochain. Je ne le connais pas mais il m'intrigue beaucoup.
Citation :
Ursula Parrott, était une autrice américaine de romans de fiction romantique à succès commercial. Son premier livre, Ex-Wife, a été un best-seller et a été adapté au cinéma sous le nom de The Divorcee, avec Norma Shearer.

Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott 9781946022561

Citation :
An instant bestseller when it was published anonymously in 1929--the story of a divorce and its aftermath, which scandalized the Jazz Age.

It's 1924, and Peter and Patricia have what looks to be a very modern marriage. Both drink. Both smoke. Both work, Patricia as a head copywriter at a major department store. When it comes to sex with other people, both believe in "the honesty policy." Until they don't. Or, at least, until Peter doesn't--and a shell-shocked, lovesick Patricia finds herself starting out all over again, but this time around as a different kind of single woman: the ex-wife.

An instant bestseller when it was published anonymously in 1929, Ex-Wife captures the speakeasies, night clubs, and parties that defined Jazz Age New York--alongside the morning-after aspirin and calisthenics, the lunch-hour visits to the gym, the girl-talk, and the freedoms and anguish of solitude. It also casts a cool eye on the bedrooms and the doctor's offices where, despite rising hemlines, the men still call the shots. The result is a unique view of what its author Ursula Parrott called "the era of the one-night stand" an era very much like our own.

Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott   Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Déc - 22:39

Clairement, le résumé donne envie.

Le nom du film me dit quelque chose, même si je ne pense pas l'avoir vu.

Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Master11
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MessageSujet: Re: Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott   Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Icon_minitimeVen 30 Déc - 11:22

Le catalogue des éditions McNally regorge de titres très intrigants. Je vais finir par me laisser tenter un de ces jours.

Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott   Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Icon_minitimeVen 30 Déc - 13:33

Et on ne parle même pas de la couverture Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott 557349

Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Master11
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MessageSujet: Re: Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott   Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 17:15

Le New Yorker vient de consacrer un long article à la réédition de ce roman :

The Divorce Novel That Captured the Mores of Jazz Age New York | The New Yorker

J'adore l'illustration  Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott 557349

Ex-Wife d'Ursula Parrott New_we10

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