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 Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +)

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MessageSujet: Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +)   Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +) Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Fév - 19:42

La série arrive le 25 mai sur Disney +. La première affiche vient d'être dévoilée :

Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +) Obi10

Citation :
Disney Plus has announced the air date for their new Star Wars series OBI WAN KENOBI with first poster: Ewan McGregor starring space saga will arrive May 25th and the story will begin 10 years after the dramatic events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith where Obi Wan Kenobi faced his greatest defeat — the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, who turned to the dark side as evil Sith Lord Darth Vader! Hayden Christiansen will be back as Darth, with Joel Edgerton, Simone Kessell, Indira Varma and Kumail Nanjiani in the cast as well. There are rumours that Rupert Friend will play Grand Inquisitor in the new series.

Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +) 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +)   Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +) Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Fév - 20:19

Je ne suis d'ordinaire pas fan des spin offs, mais pour Ewan McGregor... Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +) 557349
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Obi wan Kenobi (Disney +)
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