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 A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood

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3 participants

A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Empty
MessageSujet: A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood    A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Icon_minitimeDim 19 Déc - 9:16

A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  A_sing10

Citation :
With shades of Pride and Prejudice and The Count of Monte Cristo, Laura Wood has penned a Cinderella story for the Bridgerton generation.
Iris Grey's childhood was idyllic... until her father remarried. Iris's new stepmother and two stepsisters were cold-hearted schemers, and when her father dies in mysterious circumstances, Iris knows that something is wrong. Far too spirited to be forced into a life of servitude, she runs away to London. When she crosses paths with handsome, clever and cold Nicholas Winter, Iris realises that this is her moment for revenge. Together they plot the downfall of their enemies - but the pair begin to find they have more in common than a desire for justice.

Will their spark burn bright or will it be extinguished in the flames of their ambition?

A fabulously fresh retelling of Cinderella with a heroine who isn't afraid to take her destiny into her own hands
Perfect for fans of Jane Austen
Laura Wood is the author of A Sky Painted Gold and Under a Dancing Star

Je crois qu'on ne pouvait pas faire plus de références pour la présentation de l'éditeur Razz

Il est sorti le 7 octobre.

Je suis un peu déçue que la couverture ne ressemble pas aux autres.

A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Master11
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A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood    A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Icon_minitimeDim 19 Déc - 12:28

Effectivement les autres couvertures étaient plus jolies. Le résumé me tente bien cependant.

A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Banwd610
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A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood    A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Icon_minitimeDim 19 Déc - 19:03

sandie a écrit:
Effectivement les autres couvertures étaient plus jolies. Le résumé me tente bien cependant.
J'aurais pu écrire exactement la même chose Very Happy

A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  16482110
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A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood    A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood  Icon_minitime

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A single thread of moonlight de Laura Wood
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