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 Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls

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Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls Empty
MessageSujet: Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls   Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls Icon_minitimeSam 20 Nov - 9:41

La romancière anglaise Sally Nicholls publiera un nouveau titre le 6 janvier prochain  cheers  Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls 312935

Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls 9780198494959

Citation :
It's early 1945, the War is nearly over and across the country, evacuees are returning home.

Judy is excited to be back in London, reunited with her mum. But when she arrives, she finds everything has changed. Her house has been destroyed, her mum seems distant, and her dad is still away with the army. And all around her, London is different too: there are bombsites on every corner and the danger of war still looms. As Judy explores the city, she begins to see that the bombsites are more than just rubble. Can they help her to remember what her home used to be like? And will she ever be able to get her old life back?

With themes of loneliness, family relationships, and finding out what home really means, award-winning children's writer Sally Nicholls brings to life the experience of living through the Second World War.

Out of the rubble de Sally Nicholls 16482110
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