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 A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild

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A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Empty
MessageSujet: A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild    A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Juil - 19:40

Ce petit livre jeunesse de Noel Streatfeild (l'auteur de Ballet Shoes, entre autres) est sorti chez Puffin le 7 juillet :

A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  51uKE9J1%2B6L._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_

Citation :
A Vicarage Family is the first part in a fictionalized autobiography in which Noel Streatfeild tells the story of her own childhood, painting a poignant and vivid picture of daily life in an impoverished, genteel family in the years leading up to the First World War.

In the story there are three little girls - Isobel, the eldest, is pretty, gentle and artistic; Louise the youngest, is sweet and talented - and then there is Vicky, 'the plain one', the awkward and rebellious child who doesn't fit in at school or at home. Growing up in a big family Vicky feels overlooked but gradually begins to realize that she might not be quite as untalented as she feels.
The Vicky of this story is, of course, the much-loved Noel Streatfeild who went on to write so many wonderful family stories, the most famous being Ballet Shoes.

A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  16482110
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Miss Virginia
Miss Virginia

A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild    A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 11:39

J'aime beaucoup la couverture, et le livre me tente bien!
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A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild    A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 11:44

C'est Becca Stadtlander qui l'a illustrée Very Happy
Je l'ai acheté dernièrement mais je ne sais pas encore quand j'aurai le temps de le lire ...

A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  16482110

Dernière édition par Emjy le Mer 24 Aoû - 11:47, édité 1 fois
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A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild    A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 11:44

Le résumé me fait beaucoup penser au Quatre filles du Dr March !
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Miss Virginia
Miss Virginia

A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild    A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû - 11:46

Hâte d'avoir ton avis!
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MessageSujet: Re: A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild    A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild  Icon_minitime

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A Vicarage Family de Noel Streatfeild
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