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 Jessica Raine

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MessageSujet: Jessica Raine   Jessica Raine Icon_minitimeSam 23 Jan - 18:16

On a pu voir cette actrice anglaise née en 1982 dans Garrow's Law, Call the Midwife, Wolf Hall, Fortitude, Partners in crime etc. Elle est actuellement au casting de la nouvelle série ITV Jericho.

Jessica Raine Jessica-raine-0009

Le Telegraph lui a consacré un petit article sympathique que je poste ci-dessous :

Jessica Raine Jessicaraine2-large

Citation :
By Olivia Ovenden  
23 January 2016 • 8:00am

Jessica Raine, 33, is a British actress who has appeared in Call the Midwife and Wolf Hall, and is now starring in ITV’s Jericho.
She lives in south-east London with her husband, the actor Tom Goodman-Hill, and their cats, Margot and Pickle.

Here she shares the 8 objects she feels define her:

Jessica Raine Jessicaraine-large

Whisky and flask My Jericho co-star Hans Matheson bought me this to get through a day of filming love scenes at the top of a hill.

Print Tom and I share a love of John Singer Sargent, and this lady inspires something in me. My first Christmas present to Tom was this with a letter behind it in the frame.

Shell I grew up near Hay-on-Wye and go home to unwind completely. That means nature, reading and trips to antique shops to discover things like this shell.

Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer When I was 19, my sister realised that I get terrible sugar lows. She would notice the darkness descending and stuff a flapjack in my mouth. Most of the crews I work with have noted that I’m always eating on set.

Houses  Tom and I got engaged in Copenhagen and decided to buy these wooden houses to commemorate the weekend. There was constant rain so it was quite fraught!

Book Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer is terrifying and brilliant. I wanted to put it in the freezer every night when I was reading it because I was so scared.

Radio I love having the radio on at home. It’s such a strong, truthful medium. I mostly listen to BBC 6 Music, or French Radio London in an effort to pick up the language.

Clapper This was the last shot we filmed on the BBC’s Partners in Crime. I always get emotionally draining characters, so I loved playing a lighter part and being gifted the clapper.

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MessageSujet: Re: Jessica Raine   Jessica Raine Icon_minitimeDim 8 Mai - 13:37

Elle est formidable dans la série des Beresford sunny sunny : sunny

Elle porte merveilleusement bien les tenues Léopard dans cette série
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