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Sujet: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Lun 16 Fév - 15:24
Il va y avoir une mini-série BBC adaptée de la formidable autobiographie de Nina Stibbe (que j'ai présentée ici ) et scénarisée par Nick Hornby
Le communiqué de presse de la BBC :
Citation :
About A Boy author Nick Hornby has penned his first drama for television, Love, Nina for BBC One. Hornby will adapt Nina Stibbe’s prize-winning book for a 5 x 30 series which will be produced by See-Saw Films (Top Of The Lake). The adaptation of letters home to her sister, Love Nina is the story of a 19 year-old girl, who leaves Leicester to work as a nanny in London: charming, unexpected, and laugh-out-loud funny. A culture clash comedy and a loving hymn to family and friendship in all their chaotic glory. Nick Hornby says: “Love, Nina has already attained the status of a modern classic, and I am so happy that I’ve been given the opportunity to adapt it. We want to make a series that is as charming, funny and delightful as Nina Stibbe’s glorious book.” Charlotte Moore, Controller BBC One says: “It’s exciting to announce two new voices coming to BBC One. Nick Hornby is one of Britain’s most in demand and talented writers, adapting Nina Stibbe’s best-selling book.” Jamie Laurenson, executive producer, See-Saw Films added: “Nick has an unrivalled ability to illuminate the moving and the hilarious in the everyday. Having him on board to adapt Nina’s warm, wild and incredibly funny letters is a dream come true.” Jamie Laurenson See-Saw Films. Love, Nina is executive produced by Iain Canning, Emile Sherman and Jamie Laurenson for See-Saw Films and Lucy Richer, Drama Commissioning Editor, for BBC One.
Dernière édition par Emjy le Mer 2 Sep - 17:43, édité 1 fois
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Mer 18 Fév - 18:16
J'avais un peu loupé ce topic, je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je viens de voir l'info sur Nick Hornby.
Donc Nina Stibbe était la vraie nounou des enfants de Stephen Frears si j'ai bien tout compris ?
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Mer 18 Fév - 19:11
Shelbylee a écrit:
Donc Nina Stibbe était la vraie nounou des enfants de Stephen Frears si j'ai bien tout compris ?
C'est bien ça.
J'ai hâte de savoir quelle actrice sera choisie pour l'incarner car c'est un sacré personnage !
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Mer 2 Sep - 17:38
Le tournage commence ce mois-ci à Londres et on a enfin des nouvelles du casting.
C'est Faye Marsay (The White Queen, Pride) qui jouera Nina
A ses côtés, on retrouvera Helena Bonham-Carter, Jason Watkins et Josh McGuire.
Le communiqué de presse de la BBC :
Citation :
Helena Bonham-Carter (Suffragette, Cinderella) is set to star in Nick Hornby’s adaptation of Nina Stibbe's award-winning book Love, Nina for BBC One.
Inspired by Nina Stibbe’s book, Love, Nina is a fictionalized adaptation of Nina’s letters home to her sister: a charming, laugh-out-loud culture clash drama series about a young nanny from Leicester finding her feet in 1980s London. It celebrates family and friendship in all its chaotic glory.
Nick Hornby said of his first drama written for television: "Nina Stibbe’s book Love, Nina has already established itself as a much-loved piece of comic writing and I love it. Her observations and worldview were the inspiration for a show that we think captures the same spirit. It’s been a joy to write and we’re thrilled with the quality of our cast.”
Love, Nina, reunites Bafta award-winning Helena Bonham Carter with Toast director S.J. Clarkson, who returns to UK television after working on some of the best of American television, directing the opening episodes of Marvel and Netflix's upcoming show AKA Jessica Jones', starring Kristen Ritter and most recently Vinyl for Martin Scorsese and HBO.
S.J. says: ”It’s a joy to be working with Helena again and even more so to be collaborating on such wonderful material and with such a talented ensemble.”
The stellar cast includes Faye Marsay (The White Queen, Game Of Thrones) as Nina, the nanny, suffering from the culture shock of moving to one of London’s most Bohemian streets from her home town in the East Midlands.
Bafta award-winner, Jason Watkins (The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies, W1A) will play local author Malcolm Tanner and Josh McGuire (About Time, Mr Turner) will play Nunney, Nina’s on-off boyfriend. Bonham Carter will be playing Georgia, the beautiful, forthright mother to Joe and Max.
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Mer 23 Sep - 19:19
Premières photos :
J'espère qu'on en aura une de Faye Marsay bientôt
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Mer 4 Nov - 21:33
Une photo de Faye Marsay sur le tournage de la série (elle s'est coupée les cheveux pour l'occasion)
Le tournage vient de s'achever, elle sera diffusée en début d'année prochaine.
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Mer 4 Nov - 21:38
Merci pour la photo. Ca la change.
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Dim 14 Fév - 22:15
Les 2 premières photos promo
J'espère qu'on aura bientôt une date de diffusion !
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Sam 20 Fév - 7:17
On retrouve bien le look des années 80 au niveau des vêtements
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Sam 20 Fév - 9:11
La série sera diffusée à partir de début mai !
Une interview de Faye Marsay et S.J. Clarkson, la réalistatrice :
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Sam 20 Fév - 9:15
Merci pour la vidéo ! Au moins, c'est un peu plus tard que les autres, c'est déjà ça !
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Sam 20 Fév - 9:16
Oui, on aura le temps de souffler un peu !
Maintenant, j'attends la date de diffusion de The Durrells qui devrait arriver aussi ce printemps.
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Dim 20 Mar - 12:03
Le DVD sort en Angleterre le 18 avril (ce qui veut dire que la diffusion télé a été avancée ...)
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Dim 20 Mar - 12:04
Merci pour l'info ! On se demande ce qu'ils vont diffuser à la fin de l'année !
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Jeu 5 Mai - 10:04
La série sera diffusée à partir du 20 mai
J'en profite pour poster de nouvelles photos
Jolie PAL !
J'adore son look, c'est tout à fait Nina
Fanny Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Ven 6 Mai - 9:28
Je découvre seulement ce topic et je dois dire que ça me donne envie de sauter sur le livre...
DViolante Mad Hatter
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Ven 6 Mai - 9:44
ça a l'air très sympa en effet... je le note...
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Ven 6 Mai - 11:51
Je précise que le livre de Nina Stibbe n'est pas particulièrement facile à lire en anglais. Elle utilise beaucoup de langage familier et de "slang". Les images me donnent très envie de découvrir la série. Faye Marsey me semble parfaite dans le rôle de Nina.
Fanny Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Ven 6 Mai - 17:14
Merci de la précision Emjy! Je commence à être bien entrainer à la lecture en anglais entre les articles sur internet, les romans et les séries en ST anglais que je peux regarder.
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Ven 6 Mai - 17:21
Oui, ça vaut le coup d'essayer
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Ven 6 Mai - 19:13
La bande-annonce
Nina a l'air aussi barrée que dans mon souvenir, ça me plaît
Marmeladedelivres Star-crossed lover
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Jeu 12 Mai - 21:02
Je note ! Je note
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Sam 14 Mai - 12:39
Le site de la BBC a mis en ligne une petite présentation des principaux personnages :
Nina (Faye Marsay)
Playful, sharply funny and fiercely bright, Nina is thrown into a sophisticated world, with only her no-nonsense attitude to guide her. Nina is unabashed but unqualified, relying on her warmth and self-taught intelligence to hold her own with the intellectuals that pass through the house. With George’s encouragement, and the attentions of a good-looking boy across the street, Nina’s eyes are gradually opened to a future of expanded opportunities… or at the very least sixth-form college.
George (Helena Bonham Carter)
George possesses a quick-fire wit and a calm, unruffled exterior. She never panics, and is often the most centred, confident person in the room. Her job as the editor of a literary magazine means she spends much of her time sparring with writers and intellectuals, and it is usually her that wins these battles. Mother to Joe and Max she is unwavering in her love and affection for the boys, spending every mealtime and weekend by their side.
Malcolm Tanner (Jason Watkins)
Malcolm is a celebrated poet and author. Scottish, but having lived in London for many years, Malcolm is part of the makeshift family that assembles for dinner every evening at 55 Gloucester Crescent. He’s often found ruminating on life’s little quirks with Joe and Max, or teasing Nina with pointed observations about her cooking.
Joe (Ethan Rouse)
Joe (pictured right) is the younger of the two brothers, who is small because of a chronic condition that has affected him since birth. He has a cheeky, intelligent humour, and is often playful with Nina, teasing her about her love life. He gets on well with his brother Max, but is always first to make a play for the limelight, especially when his frequent bouts of illness rear up.
Max (Harry Webster)
Max (pictured right) is the older brother, relaxed and hard to ruffle. He is physically more confident than his younger brother; Max is brusque, literal and totally unfiltered.
Nunney (Joshua McGuire)
Nunney is a young carer, living on the same street and looking after Nina’s neighbour, Ray. He’s constantly bumping into Nina and the boys on his daily rounds, and it is not long before the two strike up a flirtation. Nunney is widely read and charming, although Nina can’t help but suspect him of condescension. Despite this he is sensitive and kind, and genuinely likes Nina.
Ray (Sam Frears)
Living a few doors down from Nina, Ray is a gruff, no-nonsense Millwall fan. Partially sighted and a wheelchair user, he suffers no fools and gives particularly short shrift to Nina and Nunney’s tentative courtship.
Miss Virginia Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Lun 16 Mai - 7:03
Hâte de voir le résultat!
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: Love, Nina, la mini-série BBC (2015) Lun 16 Mai - 20:48