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Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Dim 24 Aoû - 18:28
J'ai quasiment rien écouté car ils parlaient tout le temps de Happy Valley, mais ça avait l'air bien
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Dim 24 Aoû - 18:30
Tu peux écouter à partir de 2:45
Miss Virginia Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Dim 24 Aoû - 18:32
Ah merci Emjy! Je n'osais pas regarder de peur de me spoiler.
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Dim 14 Sep - 18:30
James Norton a tourné dans un film d'action/aventure avant Happy Valley : Northmen - A Viking Saga. J'aime beaucoup l'acteur mais sans doute pas au point d'aller voir ce film au cinéma (enfin, il faudrait déjà qu'il sorte)
A noter que l'actrice principale, la brune qu'on voit sur l'affiche (Charlie Murphy) joue Ann Gallagher dans Happy Valley (le monde est petit).
Voici une photo de James Norton dans le film (on peut difficilement faire moins glamour il est méconnaissable ! )
C'est cool, il a maintenant rejoint le cercle des acteurs britanniques de talent qui ont tourné dans au moins 1 navet !
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 25 Sep - 17:00
James Norton a donné une interview pour le site DigitalSpy, il y parle de ses choix de carrière, de Grantchester, de Happy Valley et aussi un peu de Downton Abbey
Je vous copie/colle l'article avec les photos :
Citation :
James Norton: Moving from Happy Valley villain to Grantchester hero
James Norton gave nightmares to millions of viewers earlier this year, when he starred as the villainous Tommy Lee Royce in BBC One's Happy Valley.
The British actor - who has previously starred in Rush, Doctor Who and Death Comes to Pemberley - is about to show his range by taking on a role that couldn't be more different than Tommy.
ITV / Lovely Day Productions
Grantchester is ITV's latest crime drama set in the 1950s, and sees Norton as vicar Sidney Chambers. He teams up with detective Geordie Keating (Robson Green) in solving crimes in the Cambridgeshire village.
Digital Spy caught up with Norton ahead of the show's launch next month.
Grantchester is not just another period crime drama
"I think [the 1950s] is a great period, a lot of stuff's changing. What Daisy [Coulam, writer] does so brilliantly, and what distances this from a classic murder mystery, is that each episode, without being contrived, looks at a certain issue of the period.
"We have one episode which addresses euthanasia, and another talks about homosexuality - which was still illegal. Then there's the war, and as a result of that, it makes each murder not just a throwaway murder of the week. Each one is a murder of passion, so the first one is to do with jealousy and love, and you have other prejudices, other passion-based reasons, so it's that's what distances us from the classic murder mysteries."
ITV / Lovely Day Productions
There could be TV's best new bromance with Robson Green
"He's a great man, Robson Green, and he's a good friend, we got on really well. At the centre of the series is that relationship because it's such an unlikely pairing, a vicar and a policeman. Forging this crime-fighting duo, when he arrived on set I was kind of worried, when you meet someone like Robson Green, you know who he is and you've grown up with him and you think, 'Are we gonna get on? If we don't get on, then the whole series is screwed'.
"And then I walked up to him on day three when he arrived on set and I immediately accidentally gave him a huge bear hug, and I remember in the hug going, 'F**k, this is weird, what am I doing?', and then in return, he gave me a huge hug back, and I was like, 'Yes, this guy is great'. From then on, it was clear that he was just a very rooted, very grounded guy. He was lovely."
Don't be fooled by its calm atmosphere and setting
"We filmed a bit of it in Grantchester. It is kind of idyllic, it's not necessarily the most calm and seemingly traditional murder mystery. It gets darker, and Geordie and Sidney's relationship is very, very tested. I think it becomes less and less idyllic and sugary, not that the first episode is sugary, but it gets more and more gritty.
"It doesn't shy away, it doesn't pull any punches. So while being warm, and funny and escapist telly, it also asks questions and takes you by surprise."
ITV / Lovely Day Productions
Taking on his first lead role was a different experience
"It was quite daunting at first. The difference between Sidney and most other leads is that he's in nearly every single scene. I'd get probably 1/8th of the page off every couple of days, so it was a really long commitment, and it was pretty tiring. What's great is that you don't really have time to think. You start running on instinct, and that's sometimes the best place to be, because I knew him so well.
"I had all these memories, and all these locations and places and people he'd met, so by the last episode or two, it was so easy to be in his head, it was second nature. As an actor, you rarely get to have the experience the crew have, which is every single day.
"What was really lovely about it is we became very close, and there was an incredible sense of camaraderie, and everyone working towards a shared goal, and everyone believing in it and wanting it to work, and I've never had that because as an actor you, come in and out."
Playing Sidney was much more pleasant than playing Tommy
"It was a happier head space although having said that, Sidney has got his demons, for sure. He's not in a particularly happy place. But the difference between Tommy and Sidney - I was so mad coming from one to the other - was that Tommy, essentially a psychopath, sees the world as hostile, and will expect the world to attack him and deal him a hard hand and as a result, he attacks the world, he'll rape and murder as a result.
BBC / Red Productions James Norton in Happy Valley
"So, being in a person's head for five months, where they're so hateful, is kind of exhausting. Sidney on the other hand, although he hates himself, he essentially sees the world as inherently benign, and wants to see the best in people, and will always look for the best in people. So they couldn't be more dissimilar, and it was a weird time when I was preparing for Sidney in the evenings, whilst playing Tommy in the day, and trying to keep the two separate. But it's lovely, that's what you want as an actor, to be able to have that variety."
He isn't a religious person himself
"I'm not practicing anything. I'm fascinated by it, I actually studied theology at university, and I went to quite a religious school. I've been surrounded by religion a lot in my life, so it was a familiar world for me.
"But that was sort of a happy coincidence, and I was never on my way to be a vicar! I love when I'm on holiday in cities going into church, and feeling that reverence, and that, kind of, automatic respect. The sort of magic which exists in those kind of religious temples. So being in the church, dressed as a vicar, giving my sermons, it was cool, it was magic."
Norton picks characters who have several layers to them
"I think you need a journey, you need to see where they start and where they finish, and hopefully it's different places. You don't want a character who sits on an even playing field the whole time. You need to go on this arc. I was once told in an audition, 'He's just a nice guy with no edge', and you just think, 'I'm not gonna spend five months or whatever [doing that]'. It's the most boring thing in the world to be told that.
"I guess what you want is demons and conflict. We are all plagued by baggage and stuff going on underneath the surface of our seemingly calm exterior, so I think that's what you want to explore - the stuff that's below, the subtext, and good stories. I love good stories, you have to have a good plot, characters which intertwine with a good plot. It sounds really simple but you occasionally read stuff and you think, six episodes and nothing has happened. Or alternatively, loads has happened, but I don't give a crap about any single one of [the characters]. So you need both, and when the two marry up it's like 'Woo!'"
BBC / Red Productions
He isn't interested in joining Downton Abbey
"I think Downton has been amazing, but I think it's kind of run its course now. I think they've got one more series, so I don't think I would be [interested]. Although I can see how it's a wonderful series to be part of.
"It's not so much about the genre for me, more about the writing and the character. So, whatever comes along, it will be nice, it would be nice to be part of a biggie. Who knows whether Grantchester goes again? It might do."
Grantchester begins its six-part series on Monday, October 6 at 9pm on ITV.
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 2 Oct - 18:38
James Norton est incontournable. Le voilà maintenant dans les pages mode du Guardian :
Un petit aperçu :
Miss Virginia Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 2 Oct - 19:04
Waouh le BG
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 9 Oct - 19:14
James Norton continue de faire son petit bonhomme de chemin, en posant cette fois pour la nouvelle collection M&S
Quelques clichés :
Les autres sont ici, avec une très intéressante interview pour le Daily Mail :
Miss Virginia Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 9 Oct - 20:13
Quelle classe!
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Ven 10 Oct - 19:34
Après Anna Chancellor, c'est au tour de James Norton de donner une interview à M&S
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Sam 11 Oct - 7:48
Tu n'as pas dit qu'en plus on pouvait le voir en maillot de bain
Les photos sont sympas. J'aime bien les vêtements et la bibliothèque /dvdthèque. On se croirait chez moi
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Dim 12 Oct - 18:05
Shelbylee a écrit:
Tu n'as pas dit qu'en plus on pouvait le voir en maillot de bain
C'est parce que je voulais vous laisser la surprise
Citation :
Les photos sont sympas. J'aime bien les vêtements et la bibliothèque /dvdthèque. On se croirait chez moi
Tu as une dvdthèque aussi imposante que celle-là ? Impressionnant
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Mar 28 Oct - 16:02
James Norton a posé pour le prestigieux magazine de mode anglais 7th Man Magazine :
D'autres clichés plus tard (sans doute )
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 20 Nov - 17:24
L'affiche de la comédie Bonobo qui sort début décembre en Angleterre :
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Mar 2 Déc - 18:19
Il lira L'étrange histoire de Benjamin Button dans le cadre des Winter's tale du Globe Theatre.
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Sam 6 Déc - 19:23
J'y serais bien allée ... James Norton + FS Fitzgerald, ça pourrait le faire !
L'acteur était invité chez Lorraine sur ITV pour parler du film Bonobo qui vient de sortir en GB. Un extrait ici :
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Dim 14 Déc - 19:25
La bande annonce de Bonobo (où Sidney retrouve Mrs Maguire )
Et un bout de l'interview de James Norton chez Lorraine :
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 1 Jan - 18:12
Plusieurs personnes ont fait remarqué sur le net quelque chose d'assez troublant sur l'acteur récemment ...
Regardez quel bouquin trimbale Tommy Lee Royce dans Happy Valley
C'est drôle, ce rôle a lancé sa carrière et on peut dire qu'il a presque prédit l'avenir
Shelbylee Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 1 Jan - 19:38
Il préparait peut être son audition
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Lun 5 Jan - 15:26
Shelbylee a écrit:
Il lira L'étrange histoire de Benjamin Button dans le cadre des Winter's tale du Globe Theatre.
Le théâtre du Globe a posté quelques photos sur twitter (pas terrible, la qualité) :
Marmeladedelivres Star-crossed lover
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 22 Jan - 14:04
- J'adore cet acteur ! Vraiment très talentueux et physiquement intelligent ! Je vais suivre son actualité de très près ! J'ai vu qu'il avait lu Fitzgerald Cet homme est PARFAIT ! Il va jouer le prince André dans Guerre et Paix, une adaptation de Tolstoi (j'ai hâte de voir ! )
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 22 Jan - 14:36
Et bien, quel enthousiasme ! Tu l'as vu dans Happy Valley ?
Marmeladedelivres Star-crossed lover
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 22 Jan - 15:07
Emjy a écrit:
Et bien, quel enthousiasme ! Tu l'as vu dans Happy Valley ?
Non pas encore mais je commence regarder ça ce weekend hihi
Emjy Bookworm
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 22 Jan - 19:10
@ Marmeladedelivres : J'espère que tu as le cœur bien accroché alors ^^
James Norton a posé pour le Vogue US dans un look très 50's :
Marmeladedelivres Star-crossed lover
Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux Jeu 22 Jan - 19:38
Je vais faire une attaque Une ambulance mdr
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Sujet: Re: James Norton, un acteur "classique" audacieux