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 The queens of crime de Marie Benedict

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The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Empty
MessageSujet: The queens of crime de Marie Benedict    The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Icon_minitimeSam 13 Juil - 14:38

The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  The_qu10

Citation :
The New York Times bestselling author of The Mystery of Mrs. Christie returns with a thrilling story of Christie’s legendary rival Dorothy Sayers, the race to solve a murder, and the power of friendship among women.

London, 1930. The five greatest women crime writers have banded together to form a secret society with a single goal: to show they are no longer willing to be treated as second-class citizens by their male counterparts in the legendary Detection Club. Led by the formidable Dorothy L. Sayers, the group includes Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh, Margery Allingham and Baroness Emma Orczy. They call themselves the Queens of Crime. Their plan? Solve an actual murder, that of a young woman found strangled in a park in France who may have connections leading to the highest levels of the British establishment.

May Daniels, a young English nurse on an excursion to France with her friend, seemed to vanish into thin air as they prepared to board a ferry home. Months later, her body is found in the nearby woods. The murder has all the hallmarks of a locked room mystery for which these authors are famous: how did her killer manage to sneak her body out of a crowded train station without anyone noticing? If, as the police believe, the cause of death is manual strangulation, why is there is an extraordinary amount of blood at the crime scene? What is the meaning of a heartbreaking secret letter seeming to implicate an unnamed paramour? Determined to solve the highly publicized murder, the Queens of Crime embark on their own investigation, discovering they’re stronger together. But soon the killer targets Dorothy Sayers herself, threatening to expose a dark secret in her past that she would do anything to keep hidden.

Inspired by a true story in Sayers’ own life, New York Times bestselling author Marie Benedict brings to life the lengths to which five talented women writers will go to be taken seriously in the male-dominated world of letters as they unpuzzle a mystery torn from the pages of their own novels.

Un résumé très tentant avec un mystère centré sur Dorothy Sayers. Il sortira en VO le 11 février .

The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Master11
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The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The queens of crime de Marie Benedict    The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Icon_minitimeDim 14 Juil - 12:57

Ah oui, Dorothy Sayers, ça change !

The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  16482110
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The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The queens of crime de Marie Benedict    The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Icon_minitimeDim 14 Juil - 13:51

Oui franchement, je suis très tentée !

The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Master11
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Ironic Dandy

The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The queens of crime de Marie Benedict    The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Icon_minitimeDim 14 Juil - 17:47

Moi aussi (allez, encore un!) lol!
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The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The queens of crime de Marie Benedict    The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Icon_minitimeLun 26 Aoû - 10:12

Ca a l'air très sympa !

The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Banwd610
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MessageSujet: Re: The queens of crime de Marie Benedict    The queens of crime de Marie Benedict  Icon_minitime

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The queens of crime de Marie Benedict
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