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 Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe

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MessageSujet: Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe   Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Icon_minitimeMar 4 Juin - 12:47

Très envie de lire le dernier titre de Nina Stibbe ! Il est présenté comme une sorte de pendant à Love, Nina. Nina Stibbe y retrouve la forme du journal pour décrire son retour à Londres :

Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Nina10   Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Ninaa10

Citation :
How do I get rid of the mosquitoes infesting Deborah Moggach's garden? Is it normal for my kids to drink so much? And why the f*** doesn't anyone in North London know how to clean up after their dog?

These are just some of the questions plaguing Nina Stibbe as she plots her grand return to London, reflecting on what it means to turn your whole life around aged 60. Whether it's dinner parties with the great and the good of the London literati or micromanaging her son's online dating profile, Nina Stibbe's utterly inimitable wit is ever present throughout this diary of her first return to London since the Love, Nina years.

Il sort en poche le 20 juin (couverture de droite).

Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe 16482110
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MessageSujet: Re: Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe   Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Icon_minitimeMar 4 Juin - 21:11

Ce livre me tente beaucoup Very Happy

Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Lestat10
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Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe   Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Icon_minitimeMer 5 Juin - 6:49

Encore une autrice dont il est fort dommage qu'elle soit inconnue en français Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe 686569 J'avais adoré Love, Nina donc celui-ci me tente beaucoup !

Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Banwd610
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MessageSujet: Re: Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe   Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe Icon_minitime

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Went to London, Took the Dog: The Diary of a 60-Year-Old Runaway de Nina Stibbe
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