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 Men up (BBC)

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MessageSujet: Men up (BBC)   Men up (BBC) Icon_minitimeLun 18 Déc - 19:17

La BBC diffusera pendant les vacances un film au sujet pour le moins original et inspiré de faits réels :

Men up (BBC) Men10

Men up (BBC) Menn10

Citation :
Featuring this year in the Holiday TV programme is TV movie MEN UP which will air on BBC One and stream on their iPlayer December 29th following five ordinary Welshmen who embark on an extraordinary journey when they take part in the trial of a new drug which would later become Viagra.

THIS NEW FEATURE DRAMA is inspired by the remarkable true story of one of the world's first medical trials for the drug, held in Swansea’s Morriston Hospital in 1994 which not only transformed the lives of the medics and patients involved; but also changed the lives of millions worldwide. The drug quickly became one of the most controversial and profitable in history, reshaping how we talk about sexual and mental health in the process. In this fictionalised account, Meurig (Iwan Rheon) yearns for intimacy with his wife, Ffion (Alex Roach). He loves her with all his heart but feels trapped by his inability to rekindle the spark in their marriage. There’s Tommy (Paul Rhys), a gay man who desperately lies about his sexuality because the trial was set up for straight sex.

Spurred on by his friend and clinical nurse Moira Davies (Joanna Page), how far will his lies go to find happiness? Colin (Steffan Rhodri) lives an isolated life with his crossword puzzles after his wife’s death. He thinks he’s found the one in Teresa (Lisa Palfrey), his phone pal from the Lonely Hearts column. But when she asks to meet in person, fear sets in. It’s been so long since he’s been with a woman. What if she wants to consummate their budding romance? Peetham ‘Pete’ Shah (Phaldut Sharma) has a seemingly perfect middle-class existence. A nice job, a wonderful wife in Alys (Alexandria Riley) who has a new lust for life hosting lingerie and sex toy parties. But they’ve lost their spark. Blaming his impotency, he sees a fix-all problem in this tiny white pill (which didn't become blue until much later). And Eddie (Mark Lewis Jones), a bulldog of a bloke. A seemingly strong man but beneath the surface is a vulnerability. Desperate to please his wife, can this trial fix his problems? MEN UP explores the fragilities of our characters in pursuit of their ultimate reward... the return of a romantic connection in their lives. But as the drug brings the hope of a return to that once-lost intimacy, the men realise the hard work has only just begun. Aneurin Barnard also stars.

La bande-annonce :

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MessageSujet: Re: Men up (BBC)   Men up (BBC) Icon_minitimeLun 18 Déc - 19:50

J'ai lu un interview de Iwan Rheon hier sur cette série, elle m'intéresse car le sujet n'est pas banal et peut aider à supprimer la stigmatisation de cette fameuse pilulle Smile

Men up (BBC) Lestat10

Dernière édition par Diana le Mar 19 Déc - 19:40, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Men up (BBC)   Men up (BBC) Icon_minitimeMar 19 Déc - 16:58

Pourquoi pas ? A tester !
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