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 The Last Landlady de Laura Thompson

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MessageSujet: The Last Landlady de Laura Thompson   The Last Landlady de Laura Thompson Icon_minitimeDim 7 Mai - 10:30

En m'intéressant de plus près aux ouvrages de la biographe Laura Thompson, je suis tombée sur ce livre qu'elle a écrit sur sa grand-mère et qui m'a l'air tout à fait intéressant.

The Last Landlady de Laura Thompson 9781783525027

Citation :

'A lyrical portrait of a fast-vanishing way of life . . . Thompson is a terrific writer'New Statesman

Laura Thompson's grandmother Violet was one of the great landladies. Born in a London pub, she became the first woman to be given a publican's licence in her own name and, just as pubs defined her life, she seemed in many ways to embody their essence.

Laura spent part of her childhood in Violet's Home Counties establishment, mesmerised by her gift for cultivating the mix of cosiness and glamour that defined the pub's atmosphere, making it a unique reflection of the national character. Her memories of this time are just as intoxicating: beer and ash on the carpets in the morning, the deepening rhythms of mirth at night, the magical brightness of glass behind the bar…

Through them Laura traces the story of the English pub, asking why it has occupied such a treasured position in our culture. But even Violet, as she grew older, recognised that places like hers were a dying breed, and Laura also considers the precarious future they face.

Part memoir, part social history, part elegy, The Last Landlady pays tribute to an extraordinary woman and the world she epitomised.  

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